How Enlightening: Custom Truck Parts That Can Illuminate Your Truck Better And Why You'd Want Them

Posted on: 22 January 2016

Most trucks come standard with tail lights and head lights/lamps. While these are certainly enough for everyday driving, they may not be enough for the other activities you may expect your truck to do. Here are several other custom truck parts that can illuminate your truck better and why you would want extra light.

Top-Mounted Roll Bar with Lights

Mounting a roll bar to the top of your truck not only gives it an entirely different look, but it also helps protect you and your passengers in the event the truck rolls over. The roll bar acts as a bumper and shock absorber of sorts, giving your truck a little added momentum to right itself. In the event that your truck rolls downhill, the attached lights act as light beacons in the dark (as long as your battery holds out).

Additionally, the bar of lights across the top beam of the roll bar are excellent for illuminating very dark, rural sections of highway and back roads. If you also take your truck hunting, the lights are most effective at helping you spot your prey and get its attention long enough for you to take aim. Each roll bar with lights is customizable for the width, height and weight of your truck.

Truck Bed Lighting

Truck bed lighting is great for those times when you arrive home late in the evening or when you work overnight. These lights illuminate most, if not all, of the bed in your truck, allowing you to see where screws, nails, nuts, bolts and various hand tools have fallen and gotten away from you. The lights may be attached right under the rim of your truck's bed, or you can attach them to the truck bed cover so that they are activated when you lift the cover to look for something (like opening a car door and turning on the dome light). Their customization depends on how much light you want, how long you want the lights to be, how you want them attached to your truck and what type of power source you want these lights to use (e.g., your truck's own battery or a separate battery supply just for the lights).

Magnetic Lights for Your "Cattle Pusher"

If you attach a "cattle pusher" or "cattle guard" to the front of your truck, just off the grate, then you might need a little more light by which to see. There are lots of magnetic, self-powered head lights that can attach to the cattle pusher or to the grate that will provide you with more light whenever you need it. These lights can be switched on with the push of a button and then turned off to conserve battery power when you do not need them. You can purchase several different sizes, all of which are either rectangular or square, and are frequently halogen brights.
